As technology advances, devices that utilize the internet are much more prevalent in your home and office. Business and personal needs also require more time spent on the internet as well. In a study done at the end of 2014, 90 percent of U.S. households have three or more Internet-connected devices, while just under half of the households have five or more devices and nearly a quarter of them use seven or more devices. The average number of connected devices per household is 5.2, with that number projected to climb in the coming years. These statistics dictate the need for a strong network infrastructure.

Simplicity Audio Video can provide a network custom fit to your needs. These needs vary from size and structure of the home, number of users and equipment requiring an internet connection. A hard-wire connection is always best for stationary equipment, but a Wi-Fi connection provided by wireless access points is required for mobile devices and laptops. Whether your home already has the wiring infrastructure in place or not, we can help.

Today's Wi-Fi networks are much more advanced than from just a few year ago. In a large home, multiple access points (APs) are required for sufficient signal strength and speed to provide your wireless devices with consistent reliability. Older or less inexpensive wireless devices tend to latch on to your phone/laptop and when roaming from one area of the house to another, you may not automatically switch to a closer AP even though you are further away from the access point you were connected to and closer to a different one. Consequently, we would tell customers that you may need to turn your Wi-Fi off on your device and turn it back on to grab the closest AP. Another work around that was used in times past was to name each AP network differently such as: Master AP. Kitchen AP etc. This would require you to manually switch from one to another to always ensure you were connected to the strongest signal.

Today Simplicity Audio Video can provide you with something better. A controlled smart network that constantly monitors your wireless device for best signal and speed. When you roam throughout the house, the system sees your signal strength decrease on one AP and increase on another. Once the system sees this, it will automatically move you to the closest AP to maintain your signal seamlessly. Also, if you're in close enough proximity for a 5G signal as opposed to a 2.4ghz, the network will move you to that faster frequency automatically as well. Prior to this technology we used to also name different networks such as: SmithHome and SmithHome5G. Couple that with multiple APs and you can potentially have 4 or 5 network names in your home and you aren't even sure which one you should be connecting to. The system we can provide you with will have one network name to connect to and will ensure you always have the strongest, fastest signal available.  


Whether you're in need of a home or office network; hard-wired or wireless... give us a call. 
